Rakion Wiki

When you are equipped with various items from the item shop, your character will become more powerful.

You can enjoy Rakion with more beautiful items.


Img weapon shortrangeApproaching weaponry - Sword, Broad sword, hammer, Axe, Cudgel

Approaching weaponries are used to slash or stab the enemy in close range. This is most commonly used weapon of all. Gamer need to check what weaponry suits the character best.

Price : Medium to High
Effect : Normal attack Icon up Advanced attack Icon up2 Special attack Icon up Grip attack Icon up2 Movement speed Icon down2

Img weapon longrangeRange weaponry - Bow, Dart-knife, dagger, Hand axe, staff

Range weaponry are used to throw, shoot, or fire magic at opponent. These are main weaponry for ranger or mage. Air creatures can only be dealt with range weaponry.

Price : Medium to High
Effect : Advanced attack Icon up Movement speed Icon down


Img armor basicBasic Armor

The more armor point you have the slower you will move. There are two types of armor. Heavy armor, with the highest defense and Light armor with, lower defense. Most of items are very expensive therefore you should consider before purchasing.

Price : High to Highest
Effect : Armor Icon up Energy Icon up2 Movement speed Icon down

Img armor helmetHelmet

Better helmet gives more control over cell point. If you are not going to be tanker it is wise to select creature before you wear helmet.

Price : Medium
Effect : Armor Icon up2 Max Cell Point Icon up Cell Recharge Icon up Creature Attack Icon up

Img armor shoulderShoulder armors

Shoulder armor increases your armor point. On the other hand it can lower your movement speed further. But it is safe to check speed point before you wearing them.

Price : Medium to Highest
Effect : Armor Icon up2 Movement speed Icon down2

Img armor wristGauntlet

Gauntlet is the armor that protects hands and wrists. It increases attack point more than armor point. Especially grip attack damage can be increased. If you enjoy close range grip attack you should wear good gauntlet.

Price : Medium
Effect : Armor Icon up2 Normal attack Icon up2 Special attack Icon up2 Grip attack Icon up


Img item cellCell

Cell doesn't have special attribute to characters. But it is used to summon creatures. Creatures have their own level and ability. It will be more difficult to summon creatures as it grows but it will be more powerful.

Price : Medium to Highest
Effect : None

Img item ringRing

Ring can be equipped with slot s allowed for it. It is widely used to cover character's weakness rather than strengthening advantage. Most rings usually have one or two attribute.

Price : Low to Highest
Effect : Creature Attack Icon up2 Movement speed Icon up2 Armor Icon down2

Img item necklaceNecklace

Necklace usually has 3~4 attributes, but some high price necklace has more than 5 attributes. It helps to improve your speed. It can have the almost all part of attributes but it usually has 3 or 4 attributes.

Price : Medium to Highest
Effect : Energy Icon up Movement speed Icon up Max Cell Point Icon up2 Cell Regeneration Icon up2

Armor Icon down2

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